Events andCalendar


Scheduled Events:

Intake and Orientation for 2025 Clinic Apprentices January QLD/NNSW/Online

Jenny Blythe Workshop Feb 23-24th Brisbane

The Gathering - Facilitating Workshop "Grandmother Mugwort" - The Returning - March Bundjalung Country NSW

Japan in Late March

Birth Wellness Festival 13th and 14th September - Murwillumbah

Well Supported Mothers Collective - Postpartum Conference Gold Coast October & International Online Symposium

Senior Practitioner Apprenticeship Immersion with Masakazu Ikeda Sensi Clinic Imabari, Early November, Japan

The Well Supported Mothers Collective Series for

Public Workshops; Preconception, Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum education courses - Dates TBC

I mainly occupy my role as Human, a Woman and a Mother

I am also a Practitioner operating 4 clinics investing in additional roles as an Advocate, Innovator and Creator

Additional Roles and ongoing Specialisation studies in 2025:

Advisor to RMIT University in Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) - Faculty of Health - Chinese Medicine

Birth Wellness - Festival Director

Well Supported Mothers Collective - Clinical Director

Integrative WombHara Practitioner Training - Moxibustion Educator - Australia, UK, USA and Europe

Collaborations and Advocacy Ally with many Women's Health and Traditional Medicine Practitioners

Authoring and Innovating in the field of Women's Health Programs and Education

Student to Master Practitioner Masakazu Ikeda Sensei

Student to Traditional and Classical Herbal Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Student in Indigenous and Traditional Folk Women's Medicine, Midwifery & Lactation

Student of Integrative Medicine, Clinical Womens Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Sensei to my Traditional Medicine and Women's Health students “Deshi” in programs of Traditional Learning

Prayer of Practice and Gratitude of the Medicine Journey

With much gratitude I dedicate myself to the study and practice of Traditional Medicine, Womens Wisdom, Ways of Knowing and Being,

I give thanks and acknowledgement to all the ancestors and teacher for all that has been shared; may this wisdom be invested for the betterment current and future generations,

May we be rich and abundant with Wisdom and the capacity to nourish Nature as she Nourishes us - a return of Indigenous People to their land restoring Harmony and Balance,

May all Mothers be Nourished and Supported


Mother returned to her Children